Sunday, April 18, 2010

Some of the Entertainers Who Inspired MJ

It's really interesting how we build upon what we all ready know to help inform something new and innovative. This obviously applies to the hard sciences and to a certain extent the social sciences as well, but this is also visible in the arts. I often like to watch the artists and entertainers who are the inspiration for newer acts, as sometimes the originators are the ones who can do it best. MJ was obviously innovative in many ways, but remembering those who inspired him is equally, if not more important. James Brown, Jackie Wilson and Fred Astaire were entertainers who were influential for him. These clips clearly show how many of their moves and style were reenacted by MJ...enjoy!
P.S. These entertainers were also inspired by people that came before them. For example, Fred Astaire was influenced by Bill "Bojangles" Robinson and John "Bubbles Sublett