Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sexual Frustration - Dali

After going to The Met last year, I never seemed to forget Salvador Dali's piece on sexual anxiety. This doesn't mean I've been battling my own sexual anxieties since I saw the painting! I just appreciate how he was able to depict such a specific desire. About this painting, The Met's website says,

"Painted in the summer of 1929, The Accommodations of Desire is a small gem that deals with the twenty-five-year-old Dalí's sexual anxieties... In this picture, he included seven enlarged pebbles on which he envisioned what lay ahead for him: "terrorizing" lions' heads (not so "accommodating" to his "desire" as the title of the painting facetiously suggests), as well as a toupee, various vessels (one in the shape of a woman's head), three figures embracing on a platform, and a colony of ants (a symbol of decay). Dalí did not paint the lions' heads but, rather, cut them out from what must have been an illustrated children's book, slyly matching the latter's detailed style with his own. These collaged elements are virtually indistinguishable from the super-saturated color and painstaking realism of the rest of the composition, startling the viewer into questioning the existence of the phenomena recorded and of the representation as a whole."

Blame It on the Boogie!

One of the most innovative music videos to date! lol